Fostering Talent and Valuing Exptertise
Working in international education for over 15 years has truly been a privaledge. I have been inspired by the many indifviduals I have known and I’m proud to have played a role in so many people’s overseas study journey.
Few would deny the benefites and value that an overseas university education can bring and the UK has some of the most highly reputed instutions in the world. Despite this I really dont think that prospective students should jump in without precaution, preparation and careful decision-making. Unless you have studied overseas before, it can be challening to navigate the journey to your study destination. There are so many choices and variables to consider and even the most basic questions of “How much will it cost?”, “Where can I live” and “What will my work prospects be?” may not have simple answers.
For many, choosing to study at a universtiy oversesas may be the biggest choice and investment they have made in their lives thus far. I that its worth making informed and wise choices and that being well prepared can help ensure success of your investment of time and finances.
At Bentley GSC, not only do we offer administratie support with the university and visa application process, but we offer expertise in helping serious and focused applicants navigate the decision-making and preparations towards study in the UK. Provided you are a serious and focused student and provided we have the capacity as we expand our organisation, we can offer free support at no cost to you.
We look forward to your future success!
Mark Bentley
Founder Director, Bentley GSC